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Here at the Recovery Center of Hamilton County we are dedicated to the recovery of each member. Our goal is to get each person who walks through our door integrated back into their community. After your initial intake meeting we help you organize your class schedule based around your recovery goals. Each class is facilitated by one or two of our staff members who also have a lived experience with mental health issues.

Our Programs:

RCHC is culturally inclusive.  Classes and activities are set up to be responsive to and acknowledge the presence of, culturally diverse students. Classes help students develop relevant connections among themselves, the subject matter that is taught, and the communities that they live in.  RCHC facilitators have been trained to recognize and accommodate the different learning styles of our members.

Recovery, Education, and Personal Growth

Recovery Education classes are designed to inspire hope and empowerment by imparting the knowledge and skills necessary for the pursuit of one's life goals.   These classes are curriculum based and build upon each other.  ​ ​

Examples of classes available include: Wellness Management and Recovery, Wellness Recovery Action Plan, Pathways to Recovery, Improving Self-Esteem, and many other self-help and support groups.


Creative Expressions

Whether fostering new interests or to renewing old interests, classes are designed to help individuals connect with themselves, their peers, and the community through various forms of creative expression.

Many students utilize their skills and talent to fight stigma and educate the community by displaying their work at various exhibits and art shows


Computer and Vocational Skills

Members have access to hands-on, instructor-led classes from the basics of using a computer, email, and the internet to advanced training in today's leading applications. 

The computer training lab is equipped with 16 computers, high-speed internet, scanners, and printers.   Six additional computers are available in the self-directed computer lab.


Community Involvement 

A primary goal of the RCHC is for students to live active, engaged lives in their community.   Classes and activities are designed to assist with this process.  

Collaborative relationships with hospitals/nursing programs, universities, community art centers, police departments, and businesses create opportunities for students to be involved in community activities and events.


Personal Wellness 

Overall well-being requires a balance in all aspects of one's life.   The RCHC offers a variety of classes and activities that allow members to focus on their physical, intellectual, environmental, spiritual, social, emotional, financial and occupational wellness. 

Students learn to recognize and create healthy lifestyles as they work on their personal recovery.



Entrepreneurial projects are designed to help students develop or enhance the skills necessary to obtain employment, and/or generate income through self-employment. 

The RCHC offers technical assistance, peer to peer classes, various art products, and web/graphic design to the community.



We offer vocational training to help give you the basic skills you need to function in an increasingly technological world.  In these classes, you can learn a variety of skills that will allow you to use your computer more effectively.  We offer courses for people of different skill levels that range from absolute beginners to people who are more experienced.  If you are interested in attending a course, feel free to inquire.

Some examples of current and previous classes offered:


Intro to Computers - Learn the fundamental skills necessary to use computers.  We will cover keyboarding and mouse skills, Windows 7, File Management and  hardware basics.  With these skills you will be able to use applications and operating systems more effectively.

Internet and E-mail - An overview of the necessary skills needed to effectively use the internet.  In this course we will create our own Google Email account, utilize search engines, work with web browsers and know how to avoid viruses and scams.  We will also cover major websites such as Wikipedia, Ebay and Careerbuilder and how to use them for everyday life situations

Intro to Photo Editing - An introduction to editing digital content using Adobe Photoshop CS3.  We will learn how to utilize different features and tools within Photoshop to alter photographic images and create our own art.  These will include applying filters, creating layers, adjusting levels and other commonly used features.

Microsoft Office - Learn to create and edit your own documents using Microsoft Word.  We will work with fonts, templates and layouts to create better letters, resumes and documents.  There will also be an overview of some of the features available to us in Microsoft Excel and Powerpoint so that we can create better spreadsheets and presentations.

Programming for Beginners – We will be using a program entitled “Scratch” designed by M.I.T. to learn some of the fundamental concepts behind programming languages.



Whole Health Action Management (WHAM) is a training program and peer support group model developed by CIHS to encourage increased resiliency, wellness, and self-management of health and behavioral health among people with mental illnesses and substance use disorders.

The training and associated Participant's Guide were driven by individuals with mental illnesses and substance use disorders and founded in principles from existing research and programs in chronic disease management such as the Health and Recovery Peer (HARP) Program and the Relaxation Response, developed by the Benson-Henry Institute for Mind Body Medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital.

This very successful program is being taught free-of-charge at Peer-Run Organizations throughout the state thanks to funds from a SAMSHA grant. The Recovery Center has 3 staff members who are certified facilitators of the WHAM program and a database of other facilitators in the Southwest Ohio area. Contact us to talk about scheduling a time to present the WHAM training program to your staff or members. 

For Hamilton County residents, our new ten-week WHAM class begins December 19 at the Recovery Center.  If you're interested in this or any of our free programming, please come by any Monday or Wednesday at 12 for a tour


In order to bust the stigma surrounding mental illness, the narrative needs to be changed by providing real-life examples of people who break stereotypes about mental illness. Staff and members of the Recovery Center do this every day by sharing their story with the community, raising awareness and educating the public about mental illness.

In-Person & Online Classes

Quick FAQ for In-Person Classes.

How do I get involved in person?

To get involved for our in person classes please join us for a tour of the Recovery Center on Mondays or Wednesdays at 12:45PM (no appointment necessary). During the tour, you will discover what our organization is all about. You will be given a member packet that provides all the details about becoming a member and any paperwork you may need to complete. After the tour, if you would like to join you will then be scheduled for an intake. 


What is the intake for?

The intake appointment is designed to assess if you would be the right fit for the Recovery Center, create goals you can accomplish throughout the term, and complete a schedule of classes you will attend.


All additional details are provided below

Quick FAQ for Online Classes

How do I get involved online?

Fill out our online form right hereAfter you fill out the form you are welcome to join in on any online classes. 


Do I need to be a member at RCHC to join in online?  No! Anyone can join. 


What platforms are the classes held on? Most of our classes are held via Zoom but some are also available on Facebook Live. We also have full classes available to watch on our YouTube Channel.

Want a sneak peek inside RCHC's classes? 

Check out our Youtube Channel: 

Recovery Center of Hamilton County

Recovery Center of Hamilton County

Watch Now

Tel: 513-241-1411         

Fax: 513-241-1447         


2340 Auburn Ave Cincinnati Ohio 45219


Monday Through Friday 

9:00am - 3:45pm 

closed weekends 


All Contents ©2023 The Recovery Center of Hamilton County. All Rights Reserved

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