Peer Support
Certification Information

Contact Hubs
OhioPRO partners with peer organizations to create Peer eLicensing/Certification Technical Assistance Hubs.
Five peer organizations have partnered with OhioPRO and OhioMHAS to create technical assistance call centers for peers. These centers will be staffed by certified peer recovery supporters who will be available to answer any questions regarding the new eLicensing platform. They have received training so that they may provide information and answer any questions related to peer recovery supporter certification or recertification.
If you have any questions regarding eLicensing, certification, or recertification, please contact any of the individuals below.
If you have any questions about contacting these individuals/organizations, please contact Michael J. Krause, Executive Director of OhioPRO, at
Sandusky Artisans; Emily Werner at (419)901-6558 or
Goodwill Easter Seals Miami Valley; Ashley Smithson at (937)528-6399 or;
The Recovery Center of Hamilton County; Andrea McCrate at (513) 579-5416 or
The Gathering Place; Richard Otto at (740)592-2690 or;
The PEER Center; Gary Kratheler at (614)453-4841 or;
Each of the individuals above will be available to respond to questions from
Monday through Friday from 10 am – 2pm.